Yoga Bodega

Yoga Instruction and Massage Services in Bodega, California

Archive for Yoga Classes

Not the CHP

The familiar black and white markings aren’t highway patrol cruisers – we have a herd of Dutch Belted cattle on Bay Hill Road. They’re on the Bodega Bay side, just beyond the first big curve. You’ll see them in the pasture to the right as you’re traveling up the hill. There are calves now that are especially cute. If you’re lucky, you’ll see the llamas that are their “watch dogs”.

Dutch Belted cattle are known for their clean, graphic markings, and can be either primarily black or brown. There are both in our local herd. They’re fairly rare, and for a long time there was only a single herd in Sonoma County, so it’s fun to see them in our coastal hills.

Saturday Morning Yoga is Back!

I can’t tell you how happy I am to tell you that Saturday morning yoga, a 90-minute class from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. is BACK beginning this week, Saturday, June 13. I’ve missed it and I know you’ve missed it. This will be a happy, joyful, active class, with some musical treats. I look forward to seeing you there!

Please note: If you’re an absolute beginner (meaning, you’re new to yoga, unfamiliar with the yoga vocabulary, out of shape, at risk of injury, or unclear about your own limitations), it would be a good idea to come to a couple of Tuesday or Thursday morning classes before attending Saturday morning. It’s not an advanced class by any means, but there will be plenty of standing poses and flow sequences.